After our journey on the overnight ferry, our first stop in France was a cafe for breakfast. This french waiter was poised for our pictures! And now to Stratford-Upon-Avon... Stratford Upon Avon is such a quaint little town. It`s famous for being the birthplace of William we were able to view his home...although I don't think anyone toured it. It is supposedly a very hurried tour and there is some controversy over even if there was ever a real Shakespeare...some say that was his pen name. We were there about three hours or so...Lynne and I found a sweet little shop that had scones with clotted cream and tea.Shakespeare's home...aren't the flowers beautiful?The kneeling benches in the church where Shakespeare is buried were done in needlepoint.The infamous British telephone booths...almost a thing of the past.The highlight of the day was Stonehenge...even though I've seen it before, I was just as much in awe. I love seeing your kids so excited about it...what can I say? Its incredible... and never fear, shopping was done by many!We then headed to Portsmouth where there is the port. Our great coach driver took us down to the waterfront to hang out instead of waiting in the ferry terminal for hours. At about 10 p.m., we boarded the ferry - 4 to a room, and set off for France!Dustin patrolling the hall... "CLOSE THE DOOR!" he would yell whenever we saw a door crack open!
I'm cutting this short for tonight because it's late and this French keyboard is driving me nuts!
STONEHENGE! WOW! That is the one place I would really want to go. I bet the feeling there was amazing. IF ONLY you could time travel back in time to when it was being built. Great Trip
Judy, I'm sure this was a great day for Sierra. She has done a lot of Shakespeare plays and Stonehenge is one of the places she was looking forward to. Another place she really would like to see is Anne Franks' house but that won't be for another week. She also sent us an email and said the French keyboard is difficult. Thanks for writing anyway. Lenore
My husband, Ron, and I have been married over 40 years. We're both originally from Texas where our extended family still lives. We love to spend time with our children, their spouses...and our grandchildren - Thalia, Emerson, Benjamin, William, Walt, and Sullivan!! Traveling to Texas and Colorado is something we like to do frequently to visit our parents, brothers and their families.
STONEHENGE! WOW! That is the one place I would really want to go. I bet the feeling there was amazing. IF ONLY you could time travel back in time to when it was being built.
Great Trip
Judy, I'm sure this was a great day for Sierra. She has done a lot of Shakespeare plays and Stonehenge is one of the places she was looking forward to. Another place she really would like to see is Anne Franks' house but that won't be for another week. She also sent us an email and said the French keyboard is difficult. Thanks for writing anyway. Lenore
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