We arrived safely and on time... a little turbulant, but we made it! We were met by our delegation manager, Amber, who we adore. We didn't go to the London Eye as was on our schedule, but went to Windsor and saw not only the adorable town,but the Queen's home, Windsor Castle. She was also home, which we knew since the flag was flying.

Even the quaint town of Windsor has a McDonalds!
That was a great activity to do because we all got to stretch our legs, get some sunshine, and visit with those who weren't sitting next to us on the plane.
By the time we arrived at the hotel, we had some VERY exhausted kids...and leaders. I don't know of anyone who slept a lot on the plane.
Today, we started with our guide, Doug,

who was incredible with his knowledge and love of London. We were on and off of the coach.

We started at St. Paul's Cathedral...being able to go inside since it was open for church services. We didn't participate because we were there at 10 and services were at 11. It's a beautiful...that's putting it mildly...cathedral.

We drove all around the city seeing various sites - Westminster Abby, Big Ben, Parliament, and so much more. We learned how the original city of London was built by the Romans and was only 1 square mile...that's now the financial district. We saw some of the old city wall.
We went to Buckingham Palace...saw the changing of the guard and learned so much about what it all consists of... I've seen it several times and learned so much from Doug. Since it was Sunday, the road leading to the Palace was closed...lined with flags...and we were able to walk down the middle of it..until the marching band came out to play as they marched to the Palace. We marched right beside them all the way. It was awesome.

These photos were taken from a little bridge in St. James Park.

The Tucker brothers!

Emma and Alfred
The Marching Band begins promptly at 11:13 a.m. every day...unless it's pouring rain!

Buckingham Palace

Karlie, Lily, Vanessa, Marissa, Katie D, Emma, and Katie A...
Lynne, Kristi, Aja, Karlie, Lily
McKenna, Aja, Anthony, Eloy, Maya, MariahAfter lunch at the Medieval Banquet, we walked to the Tower of London... seeing the crown jewels, the ravens, and so much more.
Mariah and Emily have their picture taken with Henry VIII at the Medieval Banquet.
Mariah and Emily...again!
Devon and McKenna
Marissa and Lily
Lynne and Judy
The Tower Bridge
Our group in front of the Tower Bridge

The ravens are an important part of the Tower of London. Legend says that if the ravens ever leave, the empire will fall.

The London Eye is coming up...
Right now we're at a restaurant...for dinner...and Dustin came running over to tell me this computer was here. Today is also Mariah's birthday! How nice to spend your birthday in London...and to honor the occasion, we had a cake brought to Mariah after dinner. We sang Happy Birthday to her, and then Campbell helped cut the cake.

We made it to the London Eye...and oh my gosh, the views from it are incredible. Our delegation was divided in half for the ride. Each pod of the Eye will hold about 25 people.
Walking across the bridge...
Waiting in line to get on the Eye...
In the Eye...

We're staying in a very nice hotel...very nice...but there are no computers...and to even make a local call, it's very expensive...so if you haven't heard from your son or daughter, that's probably why. We're at this hotel for 2 more nights so I may not be able to update this until the next hotel....
Just assume that no news is good news for now!
Thanks for the update Judy!
Sweetie, glad to know you're safely in London. Did you know Wimbledon tennis match is being played?I'm enjoying your blog but I always do. Love you Mother
Judy, I didn't know until recently I could leave comments. So even though were on day 6 I went back and reread everything so I could leave a comment and let you know what your blog means to me and everyone I emailed it to. Lenore Sierra's Mom
Judy, I just looked at your first set of pictures. They are great but I noticed Sierra is no where to be found. Did she really go to Europe with PTP or did she take off? I even searched all the kids in the backgrounds etc but no Sierra. She is going to be so angry at me for writing this. Actually she told me she just loved you. Sierra's Mom, I'm still enjoying your blog.
Lenore, never fear...Sierra was there. She must have been avoiding my camera angle in those photos. She wasn't in my group on the London Eye... but she's definitely in the group photos! I just looked at the group at the Tower Bridge...and she's there. Keep checking back...I'm in Texas now and won't be posting any more photos until I return on the 20th/21st of July. (I can't access my photos from here!)
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